What is GFSI?

25 August 2023

In this article, we will look for the answer to the question What is GFSI? We will especially try to get information about GFSI Approved Standards. In the previous article, we got information about What is IFS?

What is GFSI?

GFSI is an initiative, which stands for “Global Food Safety Initiative”. GFSI is also another initiative of TCGF, The Consumer Goods Forum. It was established in 2000.

Who is the GFSI Board?

The GFSI board consists of elected members from recognized retailers, food manufacturers and food service providers. The members of the governance include technical working groups, local groups in different continents and countries, and a benchmarking standards committee.

GFSI Certification

Some of the internationally recognized standards that are GFSI approved or recognized by GFSI are:

  • Good Aquaculture Practices (BAP)
  • BRC Global Agents and Intermediaries Standard
  • BRC Global Food Standard
  • BRC Global Packaging and Packaging Materials Standard
  • BRC Global Storage and Distribution Standard
  • FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification)
  • Global GAP (Good Agricultural Practice)
  • IFS Food (International Featured Standard)
  • IFS Logistics Certificate
  • SQF (Safe Quality Food)